James Wells
Frazer Institute, QLD, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

James Wells is a Senior Research Fellow at The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute who leads a group devoted to studying mechanisms of CD8 T-cell regulation in skin and skin cancer. He is an immunologist with a particular interest in uncovering factors that promote the establishment and regression of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. He has discovered that CD8 T-cells critically prevent the emergence of squamous cell carcinoma, as well as contributing significantly to squamous cell carcinoma regression. The primary goal of his research is to discover new therapeutic interventions that will ‘switch on’ CD8 T-cell function within established skin cancer.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The role of UV-induced regulatory T cells in the establishment of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma (#134)
12:15 PM
Shoaib Anwaar
Concurrent Session - Photoimmunology: effect of solar radiation on the immune system
Reversing the carcinogenesis-enhancing effects of tacrolimus following exposure to UVB light (#219)
2:20 PM
Maria Parra Reyes
Concurrent Session - Keratinocyte cancer – prediction, prevention, diagnosis – skin photoaging.