Silvia Braslavsky
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, NORTH RHEIN WESTFALIA, Germany
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
PhD, Univ. Buenos Aires (1971). 1966 emigrated to Chile after the military coup in Argentina; 1966-69 post-doctoral fellow at Penn State University (USA). 1972-75 Professor at the Universidad Rio Cuarto, Argentina. 1975 - US, then Canada and finally Germany. From 1976 until her retirement in 2007 led studies on molecular properties of biological photoreceptors at the Max-Planck Institute for Radiation Chemistry (today for Chemical Energy Conversion). Member of CONICET (Argentina) and of the Argentinian National Academy of Sciences. Chair of the IUPAC Sub-Committee on Photochemistry (2000-2018); Chair of the International Congress on Photobiology, Cordoba, 2014; RaĆces Prize from the Minister of Science and Technology (2011, Argentina), ESP medal (2017), Finsen medal from IUPB (2019), Ambassador of Photochemistry, European Photochemical Association (2021). Proud mother of her successful daughters (a biologist and a sociologist) and enjoys the company of three grandsons and a granddaughter.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Natural photoenzymes (#13)
3:30 PM
Silvia E Braslavsky
Concurrent Session - Designed Photoenzymes