Shosuke Ito
Institute for Melanin Chemistry, Fujita Health University, AICHI, Japan
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Shosuke Ito, PhD, is an Emeritus Professor at Fujita Health University. He has been engaged in the chemistry of melanin and melanin-related metabolites since early 1970s. In 1985, he developed a methodology for analyzing two major types of melanin, eumelanin and pheomelanin, in melanin-containing tissue samples such as hair, skin, and cultured melanocytes. Applying this methodology, he has published more than 420 peer-reviewed articles including those from collaborative studies.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Unraveling UVA1-induced Photo Modifications of Eumelanin and Pheomelanin: Insights into Pigment Darkening in Human Skin (#312)
1:30 PM
Shosuke Ito
Poster Session
Photo-modification of Eumelanin and Pheomelanin and Its Biological Implications (#94)
3:30 PM
Shosuke Ito
Concurrent Session - Melanin pigments: how photochemistry affects their biological role
How is the RPE melanin modified during the life-long exposure to sunlight? (#151)
2:30 PM
Shosuke Ito
Concurrent Session - Ocular photobiology : non-visual interaction of light with eye
Photooxidaton of eumelanin affects its efficiency to photogenerate and quench singlet oxygen (#97)
5:00 PM
Tadeusz Sarna
Concurrent Session - Melanin pigments: how photochemistry affects their biological role