Bruno Rojas
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, STOCKHOLM, Sweden
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
I received a PhD in Biological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Argentina), where I studied the regulation of enzymes involved in carbon metabolism in plants using biochemical and biotechnological approaches. During this period, I also worked on the genetic modification of various plant species to improve agronomic traits. Subsequently, I managed biotechnology projects aimed at enhancing sustainability within the agroindustry for a private company.
Driven by my passion for sustainability, I joined the Hudson Lab at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) to further develop my expertise in synthetic biology. My current research focuses on devising strategies to enhance growth and carbon fixation in both plants and cyanobacteria. I work at the intersection of systems biology, mutagenesis, and metabolic engineering, employing a wide range of cutting-edge technologies.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
SynBio strategies in photoautotrophs for improved carbon fixation, growth, and yield (#195)
4:00 PM
Bruno E Rojas
Concurrent Session - Photosynthetic organisms as biofactories