How the protein cage controls the photoswitching mechanism of reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins. (#52)
Recently, reversibly photoswitchable fluorescent proteins (RSFPs) have been widely applied in super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, such as reversible saturable optical fluorescence transition (RESOLFT), a super-resolved microscopy technique that allows for a significant reduction in the illumination intensities and in photobleaching. Even though photo-physical parameters (switching, fluorescence quantum yields…) are linked to the resolution and image acquisition speed, the switching mechanism that controls these parameters is still a matter of debate. The most studied RSFP is Dronpa, a negative RSFP from Anthozoa (e.g. corals). Using a combination of time-resolved crystallography and transient absorption spectroscopy we studied the mechanism of off-to-on and on-to-off photoswitching in WT and different mutants of rsEGFP2 (e.g. jellyfish), a common protein used in super-resolved microscopy. We clarified the order of off-to-on photoswitching events, i.e. chromophore isomerization in the picosecond time scale with the formation of a twisted chromophore[1], and different ground-state steps with protein conformational changes and a deprotonation on the microsecond timescale[2, 3]. We will then discuss here our recent results for on-to-off switching and how the protein cage controls meaningful parameters for WT rsEGFP2 and mutants in comparison to other RSFPs: fluroescence and switching quantum yield [4].
- N. Coquelle, M. Sliwa et al. Chromophore twisting in the excited state of a photoswitchable fluorescent protein captured by time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography Nat. Chem., 2018, 10, 31–37
- J. Woodhouse, […], M. Sliwa*, J.-P. Colletier, I. Schlichting* and M. Weik*, Photoswitching mechanism of a fluorescent protein revealed by time-resolved crystallography and transient absorption spectroscopy, Nat. Comm., 2020, 11, 741.
- L. M. Uriarte,* [...], M. Weik, C. Ruckebusch, S. R. Meech and M. Sliwa* Structural Information about the trans -to- cis Isomerization Mechanism of the Photoswitchable Fluorescent Protein rsEGFP2 Revealed by Multiscale Infrared Transient Absorption, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2022, 13, 1194
- V. Adam, K. Hadjidemetriou, […], M. Sliwa, I. Schlichting, J-P. Colletier, D. Bourgeois, M. Weik, Rational control of structural off-state heterogeneity in a photoswitchable fluorescent protein provides switching contrast enhancement, ChemPhysChem, 2022, 23, e202200192 (cover)