Chair: Carlos F M Menck
Sunlight oxidative impact in xeroderma pigmentosum variant mutagenesis and tumors (#202)
3:30 PM
Novel insights about melanoma response after melanogenesis stimulation and phototherapy (#203)
4:00 PM
The role of UVA and UVB induced DNA damage and mutations in melanoma (#204)
4:30 PM
Genome-wide studies of nucleotide excision and photolyase repair mechanisms for UV damage in yeast (#205)
5:00 PM
Genome-wide impact of cytosine methylation on UV-induced damage formation (#206)
5:30 PM
The effect of UV-induced Cdkn2a/p16 promoter mutations on the binding of ETS transcription factors (#207)
5:40 PM
Effect of dose-delivery and exposed area on thymidine dimer excretion in urine. -A study in healthy volunteers (#208)
5:50 PM